Marshall Mini Stack Series MS-2C Micro Guitar Amplifier

Top Reviews from the United States
    "It is a toy that I set in works of art. I may post a photo later."
    "Now I can play like Jimi ????

    The volume on the clean channel is very weak compared to the overdrive setting; I wish that differential wasnt so extreme. I also have a baby orange crush—both good for traveling, this one better for flights as its so light. In fact, so light its hard to keep it in place, so i guess just clip it on your belt and be like a busker"
    Not too bad
    "I'm not sure if I got a defective unit, but there was an issue right out of the box: the battery compartment is a few millimeters too long to give the included battery a snug fit and allow it to function. This, however, was the only problem, and was an easy fix, thanks to the included, easily-torn-and-folded, multilingual product diagram leaflet. The volume level really impressed me, having about half the headroom of my 5w Maestro kit amp dimed on the main/clean channel, and a little over with a comparable distorted sound. I wouldn't mind seeing a future model with an overdrive level control, but being a pseudo-half-stack weighing in about a pound or so, I understand the need to be a bit Spartan about the control scheme. To give full disclosure, my guitar is a Maestro Single Cut, retrofitted with a Duncan Distortion humbucker at the bridge, so there is no such thing as an amp that will put out a purely clean tone with it when my guitar volume is all the way up. Most amps' clean channels will throw out a sort of surf rock or bluesy sound with it, but the MS2 has an Angus Young vibe at high volumes, very hard rock. The OD switch doesn't change the sound much, just provides a surprisingly hefty volume boost, and the treble presence with or without the OD is very chimy, easily kept in check by adjusting the tone controls of the guitar and amp. It may not be dripping with features, but for what it is, it's a fine amp, with fun little bonuses such as being barely a half-foot tall, including a belt clip, and having a very authentic Marshall aesthetic. In fact, my fiancee ordered this for me and was very surprised to find it was so small, even after looking at the picture. It's actually perfect for my intended use, namely keeping it at my desk at work to riff when things get slow. If you're looking for a good gig bag amp or something to play around on when there's not a power outlet around, especially if you're on a working musician's budget (woefully broke), this is a great buy."
More About This Item
  • 0.34 lbs.

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